Chest Drain Workshop
The RBWH RMO Society proudly presents the inaugural chest drain workshop in collaboration with the Clinical Skills Development Service (CSDS) and Queensland Trauma Education.
This event is aimed at RMOs working at RBWH (PGY 1, 2 or 3). The course will be taught by a Trauma Consultant as well as staff members specialised in chest drain teaching.
This 2 hour event include an introduction to chest drain as well as 2 x 45 minute concurrent skill stations:
1. Station 1: ICC insertion
2. Station 2: Chest drain setup/management + radiological considerations power point
Date of event: 4th November 2021
Time: 0900 - 1100
Location: Clinical Skills Development Service, Level 4 Block 6, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH)
Tickets: Tickets are very limited at only 10 spots, $10 for RMO SOC members and $20 for non members.
Please ensure you can confirm that you have appropriate coverage for the duration of the workshop should you have clinical duties prior to purchasing a ticket. Please get in contact should you need help in submitting a PDL leave via email: [email protected]
PS If your ticket runs out and the option is available - message the RBWH RMO Society on Facebook and we will fix it up for you!